This week we turn the clock back to 1859, where we meet a truly remarkable character – someone whose unwavering determination and boundless spirit left an indelible mark on many landscapes.
This fella didn’t just settle townships; he sowed the seeds of communities, breathed life into new villages, and never knew the meaning of giving up. He worked tirelessly to make a difference, of which he achieved before dying so young, aged 41 years.John Swannell was born in London, England in 1839. He arrived in Melbourne by the time he turned 20 years of age and married 16-year-old Mary Ann Rogers the following year.
The newlyweds settled well into the Pentland Hills area, with John building the Commercial Hotel in Ballan, and then being appointed committee member of the Pentland Hills Common School in 1862, the same year their first daughter arrived, Mary Ann. Two years later, they celebrated the birth of their first son, John Thomas.
While things were developing at home, John was often caught up in controversy. This time, a coach-driver he was travelling with, came to grief while at the reins of the coach. John’s evidence at the inquest described the deceased, 36 y.o. Benjamin Thwaites, as experiencing a stroke, leaving John to take control of the coach to seek assistance at a nearby Hotel, while another passenger aided Benjamin. Dr Tweeddale arrived to treat the patient however, upon his return later that day, the patient was found to be deceased.
The following year, 1865, John Swannell builds the Myrniong Hotel for John Tyson, and soon becomes the Licensee, while also being granted a Slaughterhouse License for his butcher’s shop adjoining the hotel.
The Myrniong Hotel quickly built a fabulous reputation, hosting popular mid-week Supper Balls in the large ballroom attached to the hotel, offering dancing until the early hours by the many guests attending, entertained by a band all the way from Melbourne!
Sadness was experienced back at home in 1866 when John’s wife Mary Ann delivered another boy, James, who died the same day.
Later that year, John Swannell received a reduced fine of £2 for non-completion of a contract within the time constraints. While he agreed that there was no special reason why he should not receive the fine other than wet weather being the cause of the delays, John elaborated that he had incurred great expense to get the work done due to larger employment requirements. Handing down the fine were Mr Young and John Tyson (his business partner – awkward!)
Next week: joy & tragedy strikes the Swannell family
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